Glorious Motors 東榮汽車 - 二手車代理平台

Accident Claim Inquiry:6110 5942

24 hours towing hotline: 9101 8222 Michael Kan

What To Do After An Accident

Call the Police
As soon as the accident has occurred you should call the police who will then be able to provide a report on the situation.

Take pictures
Take pictures of the vehicles involved in the accident as well as any skid marks on the road, or damage to the vehicles. Make sure you take wide angle shots showing the entire scene, as well as detail shots of damage, license plates and other relevant details. These pictures can be useful later providing additional support to the claim.

Keeping the police report
Before the police have arrive, please stay on site. Do not move your vehicle before policemen instruction.
Please keep a copy of the police statement and the breathalyser test ( if have ).
If you need to process a claim, please contact your insurance agent as soon as possible.
Do not agree or discuss any settlement with the third parties; otherwise the insurance company may have the right to refuse the claim.

Take pictures
1) The copy of driver’s driving license
2) The copy of driver’s identity card
3) Copy of Vehicle Registration Document (both sides)
4) Original letter of authorization
5) Copy of police statement
6) Copy of screening breathalyser test report (if any)

Claim Form: Ping An AIG AXA MSIG QBE Zurich